
Effectiveness of gamification techniques in the educational process

What does literature say about homework?

Homework is a relatively widespread and common educational activity, especially among elementary and high school students. It facilitates both students’ engagement and performance (Hagger et al., 2015; Magalhães et al., 2020). Despite the apparent benefits of assigning homework to students (learning, consolidation, and application of learning contents, better time management in the classroom), it appears to be a tremendous discomfort to students. Trying to make students get their homework done was always a big challenge - not only during the pandemic - faced by teachers and by parents as well.

Therefore, the need to address this issue strongly emerges. Research has shown the effectiveness of gamification techniques in the educational process because they are highly engaging, motivating and thus they enhance learning compared to traditional learning techniques (Domínguez et al., 2013; Hamari et al., 2014). However, adapting educational material and exercises into online educational games for online learning and assessment for each course is a virtually impossible task for teachers and school institutions.

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