Gamework Team

Effectiveness of gamification techniques in the educational process

Project Coordinator

The University of Patras was founded in the city of Patras in 1964 and started to operate in academic year 1966-1967. In June 2013 the University of Western Greece was integrated into the University of Patras. In 2019 the majority of the departments of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece were also integrated into the University of Patras. 

The University is situated in Patras, Agrinion, Messolonghi, Aigio, Pirgos and Amaliada. The main campus is located 7 km North East of the city of Patras, in the suburb of Rion, covering a vast area of 4.5 km². The campus lies on the foothills of Mount Panachaico with a view over the Corinthian Gulf and to the mountains of Central Greece across the sea. 

The University of Patras is the third largest University in Greece in terms of students, faculty members, administrative personnel, number of departments and degrees awarded. 

Nikolaos Tselios

Associate Professor

Andreas Mallas

Researcher Field of professional interests

Maria Margosi

Researcher Field of professional interests

Prokopia Vlachogianni

PhD student

Angelos Fotopoulos

Researcher Field of Professional Interests

Marianna Stamati

Financial Project Manager

Kaunas Juozas Grusas Art Gymnasium is an educational institution containing more than 1200 students, aged 7-19, and more than 100 teachers. The gymnasium is located in the second largest Lithuanian city, Kaunas. It was founded in 1988 and it is named after a well-known Lithuanian writer, editor, dramatist and playwright, Juozas Grušas.

The gymnasium implements the programmes of primary, basic and secondary education as well as the programme of non-formal education of Art and Technologies.

The objective of the school strategic plan and the annual work programme for the gymnasium is to become a member of STE(A)M school net, participate actively in STE(A)M initiatives, strengthen partnership and international cooperation, and develop creativity.

Aušrinė Varškevičienė

English teacher

Gitana Kairienė

Primary school teacher

Rasa Vidauskienė

English teacher

Undinė Diana Tumavičienė

Headmaster of KJGAG

Vaiva Juodienė

Primary school teacher

The Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras belongs to the most historical educational organization in Greece, the Philekpedeftiki Eteria and is a non-profit organization. Arsakeia Schools exist in several places in Greece and they are attended by about 7000 students. Arsakeio Patras was founded in 1892 and since then has been a provider of education and culture for Patras and the wider region, Western Greece. It is a school of general education and participates in activities with cultural and technological content. We organize workshops, conferences, summer schools in collaboration with departments of the University of Patras and other educational institutions in abroad. We also organize the international conference simulation of the United Nations meetings atsmun (, we participate in competitions in Greece and abroad (e.g. F1 in Schools). The main features of our School are innovation and extroversion, while we focus on European programs that are training for students and teachers. 

Andreas Giannakopoulos


Emmanouil Petrakis


Georgios Theodoropoulos


Ilias Karadimas


Nikolia Iliopoulou


Patty Kafousia

English Teacher

Freixo School Cluster is a low secondary public school with nearly 600 students and 65 teachers. In our village, Freixo – Portugal, we assume the leading reference in the field of education, sports, culture and technological experiences.  

We have been following a consolidated path of innovation and technology integration that has resulted in the recognition by Microsoft as a Showcase School, and some teachers as Microsoft Expert Educators. 

The extra-curricular activities are of great importance and complements an enriching student learning within a framework of flexible and integrated education. This approach increases the sense of belonging of the community and cohesion which we consider vital. 

Our ability to create and implement projects has resulted in prizes and partnerships that allowed us to improve resources and educational experiences for our students. Our partners are a fundamental part of the process, to create unique opportunities for learning, improvement and evolution, for an open and attentive school to the world. As we like to say, in Freixo School Cluster, We anticipate the Future! 

Mónica Carvalheira

ICT Teacher Field

Paula Fernandes

Physics and Chemistry Teacher

Cassiana Brandão

Math Teacher

João Cunha

Physics and chemistry Teacher

Maria Manuel Barbosa

physics and chemistry teacher

António Paiva

Portuguese teacher

University of Maia – ISMAI was recognized as a higher education institution (HEI) on October 2, 1991. Since then, ISMAI has expanded its educational offering in the fields of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Business Sciences, Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Communication Sciences and Information Technologies, as well as its physical facilities and is now the 2nd largest private HEI in Portugal. Currently, ISMAI is a Portuguese university that seeks to develop research in the most varied subjects, with the aim of producing high quality scientific knowledge.  

Carla Peixoto

Assistant Teacher and Educational Psychologist

Liliana Meira

Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychologist

Vera Coelho

Assistant Teacher and Educational Psychologist

Helena Azevedo

Assistant Teacher and Educational Psychologist

Francisco Machado

Assistant Teacher and Educational Psychologist

Cláudia Azevedo

Erasmus+ KA2 Manager

Ana Pontes

Researcher assistant

Partners & Testimonials

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
