
Effectiveness of gamification techniques in the educational process.

GameWork objectives

Main objectives

Alleviate students’ reluctance to do homework by developing a gamified environment for organising homework that will use gamification techniques to engage and motivate students to do their homework. Therefore, this approach promotes innovative pedagogies and methods for teaching, learning, and assessment and supports students and teachers to use digital technologies in creative, collaborative, and efficient ways.

Particular objectives

  1. Homework organisation Learners can access the environment with their smartphone or tablet and see the daily list of activities that they must perform to prepare for the next day, ticking the completed ones.
  2. Engage students from the early stages of development, allowing us to investigate their views and ideas about gamified homework.
  3. Progress monitoring (for students and teachers). A verification process will be designed for a student not to skip the assignments and declare them untruthfully complete. 

Partners & Testimonials

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