Project Results 1 – Main findings from “How students would like to have fun with their homework?”
The first report produced within GameWork Project has named “How students would like to have fun with their homework?”. The purpose of this report was to understand students’ needs and their routines regarding homework, and their knowledge and comfort about gamification. For a faster understanding of our results, our team decided to create this new to highlight the main findings. So here they are:
1. Greek and Lithuanian students seem to be more similar to each other.
Greek and Lithuanian students have more similar perceptions about homework. This means that while Portuguese students tend to perceive these tasks has bored and a waste of time, Lithuanian and Greek students tend to have positive emotions and attitudes towards homework, a feel more often dedicated to it. Also, the preferences that students mentioned about homework (e.g. work alone or in groups) were more similar between Lithuanian and Greek students.
2. Subjects to test
Although our Project defined to test English subject first, due to be an Erasmus+ project with several partners with different maternal languages, our students also had the opportunity to select the next subjects to test. Said so, Math, Biology and Maternal languages will soon be part of GameWork Environment.
3. Gamified features
Students from all countries seem to like games with purposes. This way the most wanted game feature was “Achievements/mission/goal”. Moreover, students from Greece and Lithuania noted to like to have points. Finally, both Portuguese and Greek students have shared their willing to include a social component into our environment.